Friday, December 7, 2007

Can I get a little Bling?

Here is the Christmas card I designed for my brother's family:

My sister-in-law had a vision of gold and silver for her Christmas card and went to a lot of trouble to find just the right outfits. I'd say it was worth it, wouldn't you?

Like the glitter? I purchased it online by a digital scrapbook designer called Flergs. Click here for a link to the glitter styles. While on Scraphead's site you can search "Flergs" and all of her designs will come up. They are awesome! She's also part of a collaboration group that is doing a "12 Days of Christmas" free download of digital scrapbook supplies. If you're into designing on your computer, there is some great stuff!


Becky in Wyo said...

Look at all those blondies, and isn't Rachel looking more and more beautiful all the time?!

Sue said...

I know...Lock the doors and take away the keys, Don! I fear the day when my girls become teenagers and we have to start fighting off the boys!

KT2 said...

Wish I had a "vision for a christmas card"... maybe that's why they never get sent.. no vision!